I recently realized that I have not officially said here on my blog that I did not get into the summer internship program with To Write Love on Her Arms.  I was disappointed at the time of finding this out.   Through the encouragement and support of my mentor and friends, however, I have come to believe that perhaps God has something greater in mind for my summer.  Many have told me this summer will be an opportunity for growth.  I agree.  My future is unsure, and I’ve got to be honest that I’m scared and it’s intimidating to be in this position.  I am now home from college for the summer and actively looking for a job.  In the time being, I have found myself watching tattoo shows (NY Ink/Miami Ink/LA Ink) and Ghost Hunters.  I’ve spent time writing and praying.  My faith is being stretched, and it’s my hope that these summer months sharpen my endurance.  My vices do not own me.  My problems are not my identity.  Rather, my identity is in Christ as a healer.  He is the strength of every person who commits themselves to His Kingdom.  He is my strength, and I am alive to glorify His holy name and Kingdom. 

As I sit here now, listening to a mixture of Hillsong and Gungor, I can’t help but marvel God’s brilliance.  Music brings me so close to His heart as I’ve also been flipping through Scripture, reading through the collection of Proverbs.  I’ve got a Bible in one hand (well, resting beside me as I type), a dog on my foot, and my iPod playing next to me.  I’ve got a couple applications put in and a few more on queue to be filled out in the coming days.  I’m in a place of prayer and waiting.  Wherever I might come to find employment, I pray I am an example of Godly character.  Sometimes I’m just not feeling ‘with it’, but I am grateful to say today is not one of those days.  I am active and present in this given moment.  It’s a blessing.  I can only take this moment by moment, day by day.  That’s all I’m asked to do.  My only preparation can be to take what God has given me and roll with it, using the gifts, talents, abilities, and blessings He has given me to bless those around me. Whether that be future co-workers, my family, or even just my dogs, I can respond faithfully to grace.  It’s by His mercy and through His grace I live.

I will fight to remember.    

My area of Michigan has been blessed over the past week or so to have absolutely beautiful weather.  During this time I’ve allowed myself to try something new.  I’m working to become more active – walking, jogging…I actually did some push-ups last night for the first time in quite a while.  As a result, I’m feeling better about myself.  I’m feeling more disciplined.  I’m more appreciative of what I have in my surroundings, seeing God’s beauty in the nature that’s not far off from campus.  

I’ve been thinking about 2 Corinthians 10:5, about taking every thought captive in obedience to Christ, and in the same way, disciplining my body in self-control for obedience to Christ… It is much easier said than done.  But with the weather being amazing for it being mid-March, I cannot allow myself to have this great opportunity pass me by.  If I’m going to work on self-discipline, then now is the perfect time to do it.  I want to come out of this time of physical activity feeling stronger and more confident.  Being more physically active will strengthen my endurance.  

Being off campus gets my focus working and allows me to tune out the world through music as I’m out on the trail.  It allows me to think about what really matters and what’s important in life.  And in the end, these times of solitude have me realize my worth.  I focus on the beautiful, and life comes alive within me as I feel the wind and the adrenaline; with the beat playing in my ears, I am free.  

Called to Radical Living

Quite recently, my mentor gave me a challenge that I have taken to heart.  To Write Love on Her Arms is an organization that has been dear to my heart for five years now; since the beginning I have wanted to do all I can to spread their message and vision and hope to the hurting and broken.  My challenge is to become a Summer 2012 TWLOHA Intern.  For the first time, I am feeling serious about this.  The challenge I am presented with is the fundraising.  Estimated cost is approximately $3,000 USD, or $1,000 per month.  I cannot do this alone.  I need all of the help I can get.  If you are willing, even the smallest amount of money can help.  If you are unable to support financially, it would mean a lot if you were to help me spread the word. 

[Edit:  It has come to my attention that I did not make it clear that I have not yet been accepted into this internship.  As of right now it is a hope and a dream.  To the potential donors, I would ask you to keep the possibility of fundraising in prayer until I know for certain what the summer holds.  If I am accepted, then I will update with additional information and instructions.  Thanks for understanding!~  :) ]  

God has called me to go and heal the broken by the words of Isaiah 61:1.  I believe this internship will work in a way that intertwines mission with purpose.  I believe in the power of living radically by faith in trust of Jesus Christ – that God is going to provide the means by which this can and will be made possible. 

Please be with me in prayer, lifting up this organization and this opportunity as incense before God, that I would be faithful to His direction in my life.  I believe the Spirit of God is at work doing great things.

Thank you for your interest and support.  I am appreciative of your help!

Grace and peace to you,

Kady [Okami]

More Information on To Write Love on Her Arms: http://www.twloha.com/vision/

Celibacy is such a blessing. It’s hard to believe that today is my first anniversary of such a gift!  I have not experienced God as I have in the past year except in being educated through self-control in abstinence.  Prior to this there have not been many experiences that come close – one, maybe.  I carry a certain self-confidence on the good days.  People take notice of it when my aura is whole in this way.  I feel all too often I’m expressing to people that, yes, I am celibate and YES, I do have a sex drive!  I’m not too sure where self-denial gets lost on people. 

In all seriousness, I used to have issues in the area of my sexuality – I was addicted to the pleasure and obsessed with the next high.  Part of that is still fighting for control deep within me.  No matter how much I try to extinguish and drown it, I have a feeling it might never go away.  That’s alright.   Continually I strive to grow and grow stronger and be comfortable with my past in such a way that I am totally glad for my singleness.  Today, I am grateful to serve God with an undivided concern towards His kingdom!   Today, amidst my celebration, I am allowed a happy anniversary; there is such joy in my heart and praise to Jesus for freedom.  There is such a giddiness within me; I am free!  <3       

Four years.  It’s hard to believe it’s really been that long.  I was a Junior in high school then…now, I’m a Junior in college.  It was today that my world fell apart, and a certain hell began.  I had begun the damning cycle of cutting.  Some people stray away from that word when it comes to discussing their self-inflicted wounds, opting rather to say self-mutilation/self-injury/self-harm, whatever.  But this is exactly what it was – I cut.  Actually, this day, I scratched.  It would be another month or so before the behavior escalated.  The depression I was in was stronger, I felt, than I was.  I thought that if I didn’t self-medicate, I would die suffocating.  It was a vicious, confusing cycle.  Eight months went by before I started the road to recovery.  Seventeen months later, I would fall again, and be back at it every few months, just to release the tension and stress of the life of this college Freshman.  I haven’t hurt myself since the June of that summer.  It’s been almost sixteen months (will be on October 4.)

The few noticeable scars left down my forearms will always remind me of that pain.  That pain encompassed my entire being – physical, psychological, spiritual, emotional – it cannot easily be forgotten.  It is not something I can simply “move on” from, and so I embrace it, I remember it, and part of me cherishes it.  Scars to me are also reminders of healing – that pain is in the past.  I was recently reminded that I am stronger now than I was back then.  I had a major anxiety attack the other night, where part of me desperately wanted to grab a razor, but I fought and overcame that urge and instead I was able to pick up the phone and call my best friend.  Philippians 4:13 (“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”) is a constant reminder that through Christ, I am becoming stronger every day.  Because I overcame the other night, I have already proven this to myself.  I feel weak right now, but even in my weakness, God is revealing His strength…and showing me that I am stronger than I believe myself to be.     

Without going through what I have gone through, I may never have accepted my calling to ministry.  That to me is the biggest thing of all.  To not have accepted the calling to “Go and heal the broken,” I would probably not be here at this college right now.  I would not be studying the Bible or Psychology as I am.  I wouldn’t have a heart of helping others as I do – what I had in mind for myself was nothing like this!  But this is better for me by far.  I have learned about who I am.  I have learned to embrace the artistic sides of me that go alongside the existential thought that I am ‘creating’ myself.  I am free to be myself – I have been made new through the blood of Jesus.  This is one of the reasons why I believe that people who have self-mutilated can have a greater understanding of the power of Christ’s blood – because we once took that same sort of “responsibility” in our own hands.  The blessing is that He has taken such a responsibility for me, for us.  It is to my joy to be healing, to be in recovery.  It has given me the opportunity to reach out to those in need.  I’m grateful for emotions.  I’m grateful to be alive. 

It appears we live in a fast-paced society.  Blink and you miss it.  Over this summer I’ve been taking time out to remember.  I’ve reminisced on both good and bad, allowing emotions to stir in me while taking the time to stop and realize what in those emotions really matter.  They remind me that I am not numb, but that I am human.  I am living a story, and the journey continues every morning. 

This past Sunday marked six years since I was baptized into Christ.  It reminded me of the Cross – of redemption, of grace, and all the reasons why I need both of those things.  I am by no means a perfect being, just clay in the Potter’s hands. 

I have had my share of the mountain-top and the lowest valley experiences over these years…there is no doubt in my mind that God can and will use both.  Every day our journey is molded and crafted, and it’s up to us to follow Him through whatever He puts us today.  Ultimately, this moment is the only one we can do something with.  Take the time to stop.  Remember and reminisce.  It does not disappoint.  When I seek God, I have found it is there that I find my rest. 

Steps in the Journey

Yesterday I celebrated a year clean of self-injury.  I have done this once before; eighteen months had gone by between the April of my Junior year of high school and the December of my Freshman year of college.  I have been told not to give up hope, even if it’s true that this is something I struggle with for the rest of my life.  

I am in school, being educated in Psychology and Theology, that one day I will be a Psychologist who works with adolescents with crisis-type issues – that is, self-harm, addiction, suicide, and eating disorders.  My own experiences allow me to press forward in helping others, and where I may not be able to relate as much, I have heard testimonies and continue to do research that give me a sense of what it means to live with ______. 

I am excited to see where God leads me; He has brought me to a realization that even the darkest corners of my mind can be filled with light and understanding.  I don’t have to be afraid of myself for what I have done, rather, I can rejoice that it helps me have insight into the lives of those around me.   

Meet Wolfy, my persona.